French Polynesia Population - 2022

The population of French Polynesia is 284 160 Pop..

French Polynesia Evolution of the population

Total population (2022)

284 160 Pop..

Natural increase


Ration M/F (2020)

102.61 ♂ /100 ♀
78.2 years

Life expectancy (2020)

33.6 years

Median age

Map of the country

Neighbouring countries

Data forFrench Polynesia since 1950

Year Pop.. (1er January) Density H/km²
2020 280.904000 76
2019 279.285000 76
2018 277.673000 75
2017 276.108000 75
2016 274.576000 75
2015 273.119000 74
2014 271.713000 74
2013 270.332000 73
2012 268.995000 73
2011 267.702000 73
2010 266.449000 72
2009 265.256000 72
2008 264.064000 72
2007 262.717000 71
2006 261.007000 71
2005 258.780000 70
2004 255.995000 69
2003 252.707000 69
2002 248.976000 68
2001 244.929000 66
2000 240.681000 65
1999 236.217000 64
1998 231.562000 63
1997 226.854000 61
1996 222.323000 60
1995 218.064000 59
1994 214.196000 58
1993 210.644000 57
1992 207.238000 56
1991 203.716000 55
1990 199.906000 54
1989 195.728000 53
1988 191.260000 52
1987 186.588000 50
1986 181.807000 49
1985 177.024000 48
1984 172.249000 47
1983 167.456000 45
1982 162.679000 44
1981 157.954000 43
1980 153.298000 41
1979 148.734000 40
1978 144.273000 39
1977 139.893000 38
1976 135.559000 37
1975 131.229000 35
1974 126.919000 34
1973 122.641000 33
1972 118.438000 32
1971 114.385000 31
1970 110.490000 30
1969 106.814000 29
1968 103.329000 28
1967 99.990000 27
1966 96.719000 26
1965 93.442000 25
1964 90.132000 24
1963 86.847000 23
1962 83.652000 22
1961 80.705000 22
1960 78.080000 21
1959 75.803000 20
1958 73.830000 20
1957 72.062000 19
1956 70.436000 19
1955 68.847000 18
1954 67.237000 18
1953 65.585000 17
1952 63.848000 17
1951 62.066000 16
1950 60.270000 16

French Polynesia Age pyramid - Men - Female

0%0%0.1%0.4%0.8%1.7%2.1%3.7%4.7%5.9%7%7.3%6.8%7.1%7.8%6.7%7.6%7.9%8.1%7.1%7.2%0%0%0.2%0.6%1%1.8%2.1%3.7%4.4%6%6.5%7.4%6.7%7.6%8.3%6.8%7.7%7.3%8.1%6.8%7.1%100%Chart created using amCharts library